989.539.8870 majewskic@clareco.net

Eating Better… Where to begin?

  • Enjoy and savor the taste of new foods – choose something new from the produce section the next time you go shopping
  • Start with adding more color to your plate
  • Fall vegetables are a great place to start – try roasting squash, pumpkin and sweet potatoes – a great source of vitamin A
  • Include orange vegetables with a touch of green by adding some chopped spinach or kale – to increase anti-oxidants, vitamin A, vitamin C, folate, niacin, riboflavin and potassium
  • Don’t forget the fiber – fruits, vegetables, whole grains and nuts are great snack ideas
  • Choose LEAN, low sodium protein source and remember to bake or broil meats
  • Don’t forget low fat dairy choices like fat free yogurt and skim milk – mix them with berries or other fruit for a sweet treat!

MOVE MORE…Every Activity Counts!

All it takes is 10 minutes three times a day!

  • Try taking 10 minutes in the morning, afternoon and evening to do some form of activity.
  • Try some weights….

Involve the Family or Friends in Daily Fitness

  • Thirty minutes will fly by if you get to talking while you walk with friends or family!
  • Play a game like Wii bowling to get you moving
  • Do not forget to DANCE!

Clean with Purpose

  • Turn on the music and dance while you work!
  • Make doing the dishes fun by adding a new step as you move to put things away

Look for Opportunities to Walk

  • Take a walk around your center
  • Step in place when brushing your teeth